Hi, this blog is mostly written by Jim McWilliam. I’m an ex-serviceman who believes in Scottish Independence.
Once I had got over Scotland’s referendum result I burned my Yes sign (you may have seen it). As I stood there looking into the flames, on one of the blackest days of the year for me, I made a vow of my own…to never rest until we have our independence. This site is one of the ways that I intend to help the cause.
During the referendum campaign I believe that the mainstream media (MSM) distorted and constrained the terms of the debate. They were directed, day-to-day, by the Better Together campaign. They faithfully reported what they were told without the merest scrutiny. I felt that the voices of the people were not given due prominence by them. This site is a reaction to that.
The referendum campaign brought out the best of the Scottish character on both sides of the debate. But where do we go from here? We need to generate ideas. Above all we need to get the voices of the people heard.
To that end I want to hear from you. Tell me what you think. I will publish almost all contributions I receive, within the terms of decency and legality. If you wish to contribute to the debate then why not head on over to the Contributions page
The phoenix in the logo is from the original design “Fire Phoenix – Full Feather” courtesy of Sid-Raphael. (http://sid-raphael.deviantart.com/art/Fire-Phoenix-Full-Feather-192575471)